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State TV became a promoter of racism supposedly in the name of freedom of speech

Statement of Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 13th March 2016, Nicosia


rikLast night the state-owned Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (RIK) in the end proceeded to broadcast the interview of Greek artist Notis Sfakianakis to supposedly avoid censorship. The State TV became a promoter of racism supposedly in the name of freedom of speech, even if racism is by nature the enemy of freedom and democracy. It is precisely for this reason that European and Cypriot legislation prohibits the projecting of positions inciting hatred and violence, which RIK has deliberately disregarded, violating the relevant legislation. RIK insisted on broadcasting the racist and intolerant references of Sfakianakis, without in any way reflecting on its social responsibility and mission.

As AKEL, we will table this serious issue for discussion in the relevant Parliamentary Committee and RIK will be called to account. We wonder, however, what is the position of the Ministry of Education and the Government, as well as of the other political parties about RIK’s violation. Has perhaps the goal of promoting anti-racism set this year in education and the praise heaped on the award winning Cypriot school student’s artwork “Immigrants” been forgotten?


The projection of racist and offensive references is a vicious provocation to our people's democratic and humanitarian principles and feelings


The Democratic Party's leadership should reflect on its positions with regards the Cyprus problem and the economy