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Speech of Neoclis Sylikiotis, member of Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL and AKEL MEP, at the militant meeting outside the Ukrainian Embassy


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 28TH July 2014, Nicosia

In Ukraine, the country’s authorities have dissolved the parliamentary group of the Communist Party of Ukraine, a genuine patriotic force of the country. We are in solidarity with the struggle of the Communist Party of Ukraine. This is not just about a struggle for survival, but also a struggle for democracy in the country. unnamed (2)All the democratic forces in Cyprus have a duty to denounce the abnormal dictatorship in Ukraine, which relies on the support of the imperialist world order. The U.S. imposed a path on the country to their liking. They did not hesitate to promote through their support, the fascist political descendants of the collaborators of Hitler fascism. The “Svoboda” party and the “Right Sector”, which in reality are governing the country along with other forces, enjoy the backing of both the U.S., and the ruling circles within the European Union. Every democrat is posing the question: how is it possible for the EU and its Parliament that issue resolutions and decisions on the situation of human rights in countries outside the European continent, to tolerate fascist violations of fundamental rights, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, of association and collective organization, including violations of the right to life itself; violations that are being committed by the so-called democratic government of Ukraine?

AKEL strongly opposes the hypocritical policy of double standards implemented in the EU. The Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left has raised the issue in the European Parliament, demanding the denunciation of the EU, and the termination of all support provided for the undemocratic actions of the regime in Ukraine.

Dear Friends,

Just a few weeks after the presidential elections in the country, which were held with ​​the threat of the Communist Party of Ukraine being banned and prohibited through a government decree amid a civil armed conflict, the country’s government and parliament, in which the extreme reactionary elements constitute the majority, are continuing their illegal persecution against the communists and their Party.

In the beginning, they destroyed and confiscated the property of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. They arrested its cadres and leading members. They repeatedly waged political violence and terror not only against the communists, but also against democratic elements. They then literally proceeded to throw out the Party from the Parliament. This is only the beginning. We are very worried that the egg of the snake has not only been incubated in Ukraine, but that it is indeed attacking first the most consistent antifascists. They will subsequently attack all the democratic forces. They are deliberately following the path as genuine descendants of Hitler and the Nazis when the Communist Party of Germany was banned and then the whole of the continent and the world was drowned in blood.

The war developments in the region are leading precisely these forces to spread the venom of hatred and fascist nationalism. We are threatened with a bigger war and a new humanitarian disaster. As usual, the first victims are the fighters of peace and genuine democracy.

The Communist Party of Ukraine supports the unity and integrity of Ukraine. It is struggling and proposing the deepening of democracy in the country and the respect of the rights of all its lawful inhabitants. This was the crime committed by the Ukrainian Communists, that is to say that they did have yield and accept the imperialist interventions and nationalist propaganda of the extreme-right-wing forces who seized power by a coup d’état in Ukraine and then organized elections in the country that were not free.

The Central Committee of AKEL, with this event, expresses its solidarity with the Communist Party of Ukraine. It condemns the dictatorial and fascist stand of the government of the country and its Parliament’s decision. This decision is directed against every notion of democracy. It heralds greater dangerous adventures. AKEL declares that the EU has additional responsibilities because it supports this regime. Set against the geopolitical interests of energy, democracy once again is being sacrificed. But, as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere, they will reap storms as a result of the support they are giving to extremist forces.

We urge the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus to condemn this lawlessness.

We urge the government to raise the issue at the Council of the EU. Our state, which upholds International Law and fundamental human rights, given that it is suffering because of their violation, must follow a policy and stand based on principles. This is precisely the stand the government is called upon to finally demonstrate.



AKEL once again calls on the Government to adopt an active position in favour of the termination of the war in Gaza


Sign the appeal of the GUE / NGL, to the European Union for Gaza