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Russian Embassy’s statements on USSR’s role in Cyprus


Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, member of the Political Bureau AKEL

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 27th August 2014, Nicosia


With concern we have read in the daily press the statement of the Embassy of Russian Federation in Cyprus in relation to the book published by the special assistant of the President of the Republic, Makarios Drousiotis.

Flag-Pins-USSR-CyprusIn its statement, the Embassy of the Russian Federation, apart from the well-documented replies given to the journalist concerning the arbitrary assertions he made about the role of the Soviet Union in the 1974 period, leaves clear hints in relation to the policy the Cyprus government is following towards the Russian Federation. And this, at a time when relations between Cyprus and Russia are being tested as a result of the sanctions imposed by the EU against Russia.

The only people who do not seem to worry about the state of Cyprus-Russian relations are the government and the ruling forces, who restrict themselves to issuing verbal assurances about preserving the traditionally good relations with the Russian Federation.

Taking into account the great significance of the relations of Cyprus with Russia and the political dimension that this specific issue is assuming we pose the following question: how does the President and the government intend to act?

Unless the government and ruling forces yet again choose the path of giving verbal assurances, leaving the relations of Cyprus with Russia to collapse, with very negative consequences for our country.


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