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Resolution of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus on the illegal recognition by the USA of Israel’s sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan Heights

Resolution tabled by the Parliamentary Group of AKEL-Left-New Forces adopted on 19th April 2019 32 in favour and 16 abstentions

19th April 2019, Nicosia

Observing with great concern the actions of the US in the Middle East that are provoking a further deterioration of the volatile situation and dealing a severe blow to the possibility of achieving a peaceful solution based on international law,

Expressing particular concern about the violations of International Law and the Charter of the United Nations with regards the principle of the respect of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states,

Expressing particular concern about the violations of the UN Security Council Resolutions by a state permanent member of the UN Security Council – the US,

Expressing particular concern about the recent action of the US to recognize sovereignty of Israel over the Syrian Golan Heights which have been occupied by Israel for fifty two years,

Taking into account that this action is taking place in a period of the defeat of the Islamic State and the gradual recovery by Syria of the sovereignty on its territory,

Recalling that this action represents a continuation of the illegal recognition on the part of the US of Jerusalem as the indivisible capital of Israel and the transfer of its embassy there,

Bearing in mind the relevant Resolutions (333 (1973), 497 (1981)) and Resolutions (242 (1967)) of the United Nations,

Recalling the position of the EU, as expressed by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs that, “The position of the European Union as regards the status of the Golan Heights has not changed. In line with the international law and UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 497, the European Union does not recognise Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights”

Recalling its previous Resolutions, of 13th December 2017 and 18th May 2018 on Jerusalem.

Votes the following:

  1. Strongly disagrees with the illegal recognition on the part of the US of sovereignty of Israel over the occupied Golan Heights.
  2. Calls on the US government to revoke its decision in relation to the occupied Golan Heights.
  3. Calls on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territory on the Golan Heights.
  4. Reconfirms its full respect to the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic on the occupied Golan Heights and calls on the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, itself a victim of foreign occupation, to act against this violation.

Stresses the need to respect International Law, the Charter of the United Nations and the UN Resolutions for the achievement of a peaceful solution to the benefit of all the peoples of the region of the Middle East.


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