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No end to Israeli brutality


12 February 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The State of Israel is intensifying the bloody slaughter of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, with fierce attacks against the civilian population in Rafah.

For 127 days now, the Israeli army has being issuing order demanding evacuations “to safe areas” and pushed the Palestinian civilians from the northern part of Gaza to the centre and from the centre to the south. Now, it is bombing relentlessly Rafah where 1.5 million civilians are crammed into a small piece of land. It is a hellish scene in which the Palestinians are subjected to unprecedented brutality, with the mass murder of civilians, their uprooting from their own land and an ongoing ethnic cleansing. Indeed, any violation by the Israeli army of the border with Egypt could cause a further flare-up in the region with unforeseen consequences.

The far-right Netanyahu government is a danger to humanity. It flouts the calls made by the UN Secretary General and the Resolutions of the UN General Assembly. It is also flagrantly breaching the International Court of Justice in The Hague, which gave the Israeli Government a deadline to report on its compliance with the orders issued by the Court last January, including the mandate to improve the delivery of humanitarian aid and end the incitement to genocide.

AKEL denounces the Israeli barbarity against the Palestinian people and reiterates its solidarity with their struggle for freedom and an independent state, on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The silence of the Christodoulides government and the other political forces in the face of the ongoing genocide that is being committed right next to us is a mark of shame.






Instead of looking for excuses, let them apply the laws


Statements by the General Secretary of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou during his visit to the Industrial zone of Ayios Athanasios