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Minimum Wage: Instead of regulating, the government’s decision legitimises the deregulation of labour relations


Statement by AKEL C.C. member Vakis Charalambous

1 September 2022, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

Yesterday’s decision by the government on the National Minimum Wage can be characterised as anything but a reform.

Instead of regulating, the government’s decision legitimises the deregulation of labour relations. Its decision erodes and undermines collective agreements instead of shielding them. It institutionalises cheap labour and leaves a large section of working – especially young people – unprotected, who currently do not enjoy dignified wages and elementary rights.

Not even a pretentious neutral stand has been adopted by the government ruling forces in response to working people’s demands, given that they have once again taken a clear stand in favour of employer’s erroneous practices.

One wonders, are they going to sugar-coat the pill of price hikes with a EUR 16 increase after 11 whole years?

Working people’s expectations and demands cannot be met with the current government, but only by a progressive government that puts their needs at the forefront.



The government is making financial reserves while society is suffering from galloping price hikes


Statement by AKEL MP Christos Christofides after the meeting of the Parliamentary Committee for the Monitoring of Development Plans and Scrutiny of Public Expenditure