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Justified concerns of the Federation of Cyprus Patients’ Associations about the government’s policy in the health sector


29 December 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The concerns expressed by the Federation of Cyprus Patients’ Associations about the government’s policy in the health sector are justified. These are concerns and warnings that are shared by AKEL and which AKEL reiterated last month in a letter from the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party addressed to the President of the Republic, which, however, remains unanswered.

The defence of the character and philosophy of the National Health Scheme (GESY), the effort for corrections and improvements in its operation and the demand for the government to support and upgrade public hospitals are all issues of major importance for our country and people. The government has a responsibility to respond.

At the same time, of course, the levelling of all those who have worked and are working for the GESY and those who are undermining it is both unfair and unfounded. After all, it is not “the political parties” that are acting in the health sector in the way that organised patients are complaining about, but rather specific parties together with the Christodoulides government.




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