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International Day for the elimination of racial discrimination

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 21st March 2014, Nicosia



The 21st March has been established by the United Nations as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, in memory of the student’s struggle against the apartheid laws in 1960, when the police in racist South Africa opened fire and killed 70 people in cold blood. That day was established in an effort to raise humanity’s awareness in favour of the struggle against racism, xenophobia and intolerance.

Unfortunately, even today, instead of racism and nationalism decreasing, we can see extreme racist elements in various parts of the world growing and in Cyprus too. They are raising their heads, asserting a voice and role in political life. These forces are poisoning society, and especially young people, with racism, diverting and distracting them from the real inherent causes of the problems which cause injustice and exploitation and presenting immigrants as the main reason for our society’s problems.

Particularly in recent years, in the conditions of the capitalist crisis, deteriorating economic problems and mass unemployment, Cypriot society came face to face with racist and extremist behaviours and practices, since Cyprus remains a country hosting migration currents, both from citizens of third countries and countries of the European Union, as well as countries from the surrounding region due to political developments.

The Cypriot people, who for 40 years have been experiencing the violation and abuse of its human rights as a result of the invasion and occupation of our country, must resist racism and nationalism which poison our society, by defending universal principles and values.

On the occasion of 21st March, AKEL is unreservedly devoted to the struggle against all the policies and practices that either promote or appease racism and nationalism, because it knows very well their inhuman and brutal content. We will continue to vigorously combat such mentalities and perceptions and strive to eradicate them with social justice as the ultimate goal.

AKEL struggling against racism, fascism and intolerance, promotes the unity of interests of all the working people, irrespective of race, colour, language and religion. All working people should be treated equally and not be the subject of exploitation in order to serve economic and other interests and be used as a threat to the achievements of local workers.

Unfortunately there is indecision and an inability on the part of the government to address the migration issue and provide solutions to the problems of various immigrant groups, with the result that our country exposes itself to the daily phenomena of racist behaviour, particularly with regards their handling by state agencies and other institutions.

AKEL demands from the state that it implements a comprehensive immigration policy based on the respect for human rights as enshrined in International and European Law.

AKEL calls on Cypriot society to resist and combat inhumane ideologies such as fascism, racism and nationalism. We must not allow these ideologies to develop and grow, crushing and killing human dignity, and destroying social cohesion.


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