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Government’s preoccupation is to cover up its grave political responsibilities for turning the Passport Program into a business

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on the investigation into the government’s citizenship-by-investment-scheme

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 11th February 2020, Nicosia

A year ago, AKEL warned that the government ruling forces do not want a real investigation to be carried out into the granting of passports of the Republic of Cyprus to mobsters and fugitives. Developments themselves have vindicated us.

  • At the same time as the government pompously announced in November the appointment of an investigation committee, our government spokesman was saying that the Three-member Committee would NOT investigate the passports that have already been granted.
  • When we expressed our reservations about the appointment of an investigation committee by the Council of Ministers instead of the Attorney General, as provided for according to the relevant Law, they told us that we were engaging in destructive opposition. Yesterday we were informed that the investigation committee has still not begun its work because there is a dispute over the terms of its mandate.
  • While the Ministry of the Interior was announcing that, following its own investigation, 26 passports were illegally granted and would be revoked, yesterday we heard that no measure was taken because there is… a legal vacuum.

It is also indicative that even though a year ago the Parliament wanted to put in place a transparent and rational framework for this specific government scheme (for granting passports), requesting the tabling of relevant regulations by 31st January 2020, the Government has so far completely ignored both the Parliament and the legislation. .

Only Mr. Anastasiades considers that the scandal of naturalizations, which weighs heavily on his government and is shocking society, “doesn’t need any further discussion”.

The inaction of the government ruling forces on the issue demonstrates that their main concern is not to carry out a real investigation. Their preoccupation is to cover up the grave political responsibilities of the DISY-Anastasiades government for turning the Passport Program into a business.

Is there anyone still wondering why our country has recorded the biggest increase in corruption indices across Europe since the day the government of Nikos Anastasiades came to power?


Wealth goes in the pockets of a few big employers and businessmen who have emerged from the crisis richer


The government’s selective reading of statistics on the average wage can’t change the harsh reality