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Government policy on foreclosures leads to mass uprooting of people from their homes


Statement by Haris Polycarpou, Member of the Economic Research Department of the C.C. of AKEL

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30th January 2015, Nicosia


econ society houses disclosureThe government shouldn’t complain about the new suspension passed by all the political parties – except the governing DISY Rally party that is – in the House of Representatives. The responsibility lies entirely with the government.

Despite the government’s clear and repeated pledges, as much value as these pledges may be worth now, it has yet to bring before the House the whole package on insolvency, namely the most important aspect remaining which indeed concerns the4 people.

Due to the government’s delay the package on insolvency is still being assessed and more specifically whether it creates a satisfactory web of protection for citizens. For us the key is whether this package does indeed protect those citizens who have been hurt by the economic crisis who previously had been consistent with the repayment of their loans.

The government, by trying to terrify and blackmail people by spreading the danger of the loan tranche no longer being released and of the program’s suspension, wants the House of Representatives to allow the implementation of the foreclosure law, which will uproot thousands of people from their homes. It is characteristic that the Troika in the various meetings it has with technocrats stresses the need for foreclosures to begin immediately.

It has now become more than obvious that the government does not care about people. The only thing that matters to them is to offer the banks the opportunity to sell loan packages which will lead to a mass uprooting of people from their homes. AKEL will never allow this to happen.




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