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Funds for culture need to be increased urgently

Statement by AKEL MP Christos Christofides after the meeting of the Parliamentary Education and Culture Committee


16 September 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

For AKEL, culture is a top priority.

Today we had the opportunity to meet with the new Deputy Minister of Culture. Unfortunately, valuable time has already been lost due to the well-known developments that evolved with regards the Deputy Ministry of Culture.

We have set the Deputy Minister some of AKEL’s key priorities.

Firstly, we stress the need to provide proper support to the people of letters and arts in practice. To do this the funds for culture must be increased urgently. Furthermore, an increase in funds for the THYMELI project and theatre development. Increase support for our retiring cultural creators. Support for our visual arts and writers. We have submitted specific proposals towards this end.

The second chapter concerns infrastructure projects. The state library, the new archaeological museum and other infrastructures should be created to promote artistic and cultural development in our country,

Finally, a key parameter of our approach is that the arts and culture must not be ultimately just for a small elite in our country. It is a constituent part of our “being”, of our consciousness and culture should be addressed to the whole Cypriot people, especially our young people, as well as to our fellow citizens who have fewer opportunities because they come from the middle and low socio-economic strata.


Address by Stephanos Stefanou, General Secretary of the AKEL at the 3rd Festival of Environment and Culture “Phylloshia”


Interview with the General Secretary of AKEL Stefanos Stefanou