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Excerpts from the speech of Christos Christofides, member of the Political Bureau of AKEL and AKEL Nicosia – Kyrenia District Secretary, at the event to commemorate the Great October Socialist Revolution

7th November 2016, Journalists House, Nicosia

7 noemvri moseComrades,

Today we are commemorating the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. 99 years, almost a century, have elapsed. We are honoring a momentous event which changed humanity. It shaped the whole international scene for almost the entire 20th century. However, the Great October Socialist Revolution’s greatest significance is that for the first time it proved that the transition to a Socialist society is not a slogan, nor some utopia; that it can indeed be realized. Moreover, it proved that it represents a historical necessity so that the contradictions of capitalism can be overcome, which particularly during the period of imperialism, oppress and victimize millions of people, even threatening our planet’s very existence.

The construction of socialist society, despite the mistakes and weaknesses, as well as crimes that were committed in the name of the revolution, offered infinitely more to the progressive development of society, to the peoples and especially humanity as a whole.

Despite whatever weaknesses, one really needs whole pages to record the achievements of socialism and its contribution to humanity’s development.

Let us just mention briefly the following: the victory against Hitler fascism and the salvation of humanity from Nazi fascism – the most inhuman regime, at least in recent centuries. The enormous contribution of socialism to the collapse of the oppressive colonial system, which subsequently saw many peoples winning their freedom and independence, among them our small homeland too.

We can refer to the huge gains for socialist society itself with the eradication of unemployment and poverty. Whereas many social problems plagued the capitalist world, they were virtually unknown in the socialist society. The development of cultural creativity and the people’s involvement in the productive process and use of cultural goods. The eradication, within a very short period, of illiteracy and the significant increase in life expectancy due to the significant improvement in medical health care for all people. The development of grassroots sports for all citizens. Furthermore, the support rendered to working people around the world and especially in Western societies, where the Soviet example forced the Western governments and the ruling classes into conceding significant concessions to working people, particularly in relation to wages and working conditions. Even how technologically backward Russia in 1917 became the first country in the world that sent a manned spacecraft into space and paved roads for humanity’s technological development.

Socialism, with all its mistakes and weaknesses, even crimes that were committed, is still humanity’s great hope for today. In a world full of extreme social inequalities, ongoing wars, misery and destruction, mass famine and unemployment, within the context of a system that has failed to meet people’s elementary needs, deeply humane and democratic Socialism is the only alternative.

Many people ask if socialism is a utopia, even though socialism to them appears to be a good idea. There is indeed a utopia in this whole discussion, but it’s not socialism.

Utopia is to think that the world can continue going on as it is today within a capitalist framework.

Utopia is to believe that the planet will survive the uncontrolled exploitation of nature and resources, the continuous waging of wars and the danger of nuclear destruction; that the peoples will continue to go hungry, be oppressed and humiliated, to live in conditions of extreme social contrasts, without them rising up and revolting, without them dreaming of a new world of equality, justice and solidarity. A new world that will serve society and not one where the whole of society serves the privileged few.


In April 1917 Lenin unveiled a text known as “The April Theses”.

The text is a monument of Marxist dialectics and correct class analysis. Much could be said about the analysis Lenin makes with regards the conditions, the tactics of the struggle, but also the revolutionary nerve and composure he demonstrated. For the purposes of this speech however three main points on the theses must be pointed out:

– Lenin’s analysis concludes that developments are not an isolated phenomenon, but they represent a transitional period, that is the transition of the passage from capitalism to socialism. The most advanced part of the world at that particular moment was Russia. This was a correct Marxist assessment of the historical stage and social characteristics at that concrete moment.

– The main objective is to replace the “Provisional Government” with the Soviets, which are the model of the new state mechanism of people’s power.

– Lenin does not ignore the concrete political realities of the moment. The party is a minority. The Party must first win over the hearts and minds of the masses. Therefore Lenin’s advice was not to rush. He considers it feasible to replace the present stage, the “Provisional Government” by petty-bourgeois Socialist parties, which are very strong with in fact a majority influence in society, recognizing of course that these parties will not implement socialism.


The Great October Socialist Revolution opened a new page in the history of humanity: the first transition from capitalism to socialism. “We have begun this task. But exactly when, after how much time, the proletarians of which nation will finish this task is not the most essential issue. What is essential is that the ice has been broken, the road has been opened, the path has been charted,” wrote Lenin. And this road, the path of socialism illuminates the struggles and visions of the working class, working people and the broader popular strata for a new society of freedom, democracy and socialism.


Since then the Great October Socialist Revolution has remained a guiding beacon for a better world. Unfortunately, the subsequent course of the Soviet Union, despite the great achievements of its people and other peoples, did not vindicate aspirations.

Huge external pressure, machinations and threats, but also internal weaknesses, distortions and errors, led to its dissolution. AKEL taking timely in mind the message of developments subsequently proceeded to elaborate “Our Perception of Socialism”, updating and renewing our own ideological approaches.

The entire Marxist theory aims to fulfill one key objective: human emancipation and liberation. The liberation of people from the exploitation of capitalist society, from superstitions and prejudices that the capitalist superstructure creates. It aims to liberate people’s real intellectual, artistic, productive capacities and potential, to develop a truly prosperous society. This can only be achieved by proceeding towards a qualitatively advanced society, namely the society of socialism.

We live in a period when our ideology is being distorted and despised by politicians, by our ideological and class opponents. The new world, the world of socialism, is primarily freedom: freedom from all that shackles people and their potential within capitalism. It at the same time means real and total democracy, beyond any artificial manipulations of the ruling class. In other words, socialism means real freedom and all-round democracy at all levels. Socialism without these two key features cannot exist.

A communist should lead by example. The New Person, the human example of the New Society. Communists should be disciplined, with faith in their ideology and dedicated, as well as hardworking and filled with a militant spirit. But these characteristics are not enough.

These may also characterize others too. Communists should have an ideological and political understanding, know dialectics. Only then will communists avoid simplistic superficial analyses and dogmatism. They should continuously educate themselves, be aware of what science and thought produces, because the new is always built on the old. Communists need to have class consciousness and knowledge of tactics. To defend consistently the interests of the class they represent. To love the arts and culture, the way – according to Marx – which can lead to the all-round development of people’s personalities. Communists need to be pioneers in technology, as the Soviet Revolution was for example when it focused on the cinema, the technology of that period, which was the “communication policy” of that era. It invested in technology and reached the moon. Communists should the New Man/Woman they themselves propose and recommend to the rest of society. Free and Democrat.


A decisive phase of the negotiations to solve the Cyprus problem has been launched today. I am not of course going to take this opportunity to proceed to an analysis or put forth our position with regards the Cyprus problem.

However there is a theoretical question that arises in relation to the Cyprus problem: that is, whether the forces of the Left should seek to find solutions to national problems during the current era of imperialism, knowing that the solutions will be some kind of agreement, approved by imperialism, not a surrender or subjugation but some form of temporary compromise. Permit me to make another simple observation: the Cyprus problem is principally a result of the actions of imperialist forces and their innate tendency for the expansionist control of economic zones, geostrategic positions and territory. The Cyprus problem is a creation of the war machine of imperialism, NATO and of the forces here in Cyprus, both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, that serve its interests.

The victory of the Great October Revolution immediately raised before Lenin and the new government the question of war. Lenin aware that the Germans were almost knocking on his door, concluded with the Germans and subsequently with the Entente powers, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. He agreed to an “unconditional” peace. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was particularly painful for Russia. Approximately a quarter of the lands of tsarist Russia were given up, together with their populations. It was a painful but necessary compromise in order to save the country. Sometimes you need to take two steps back to take one step forward, especially when time is short and there is the threat of fait accomplis looming that cannot be reversed – even if the compromise is, as in the case of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, with imperialism itself. Lenin and the Soviet government did not lack any patriotism. On the contrary, their patriotism saved the country as a result of a compromise, although painful.

Lenin’s handling of the issue was not only correct and lifesaving for the Soviet Union in that specific moment of time; it gave the possibility to the new Soviet power for the country to heal its wounds and subsequently prosper and move forward.


Hopefully at the negotiations in Switzerland progress will be recorded. AKEL has its own positions, its “red lines” and will defend them with fervor. If the solution is viable and workable, if it restores fundamentals that we have outlined, therefore a solution acceptable by the people, then we will welcome it in order to save our country.


The Great Socialist October Revolution remains a beacon of hope and expectation. At the same time it is a guide to action, analysis and tactics. The best way to commemorate it is to continue with dedication and a militant spirit to defend in practice our ideology and vision.

Long live the Great October Revolution!

Long live the New World, the world of Socialism!


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