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Everything is unfolding as Anastasiades, Christodoulides and DISY had planned during the election campaign



Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas

10 September 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

Last week, Nicos Anastasiades sent out a clear message in favour of DISY joining the government. Today, Nicos Christodoulides officially invited DISY to join his government and underlines that his policies are “identical” to those of DISY. They will evidently sort out procedural matters subsequently between them afterwards. What is certain is that everything is unfolding as they had planned during the election, in order to fool citizens and continue the DISY government, the government of corruption and decay.

Irreparably exposed are those political party leaders of the centre who, despite AKEL’s warnings, were portraying Nikos Christodoulides as something different from what he is and what he wants to be: a DISY successor to Anastasiades and his policies. We wonder – how do those voters who were persuaded to vote for Christodoulides as representing “change”, “the new” and “different” feel and right now he is officially announcing to them that his goal is a DISY government to implement the policies of DISY?

All of this confirms what AKEL and the Left are proposing: the unification and rallying together of all the progressive people of our country in a broad alliance against all that has shamed and is shaming Cyprus.



Interview with AKEL C.C. member and Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas in "Kathimerini" newspaper


Christodoulides in the footsteps of Anastasiades