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Does Nicolas Papadopoulos think that people have forgotten that it is the DIKO that supported the election of Anastasiades?

Statements by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14th September 2017, Nicosia

We understand the need and desperate effort of Mr. Nicolas Papadopoulos to present a different image than the one people have known for years. However, Mr. Papadopoulos must know that when this enigmatic effort goes beyond the limits of reason, then it simply yields the opposite results.

How can Mr. Papadopoulos convince citizens when he denounces the supposed “bipartisanism of the two big parties”, as he did this morning on a radio interview?

Does Mr. Papadopoulos think that people have forgotten that it is the DIKO party that supported the election of Mr. Anastasiades to the presidency?

Does he believe that the people have forgotten that DIKO participated in the Anastasiades government and that its withdrawal from the government was due to the Cyprus problem and not because of the government’s socio-economic policy that today it is declaring that it wants to change?

When he denounces the supposed bipartisanism, Mr. Nicolas Papadopoulos thinks that the people have forgotten his common course with DISY President Mr. Averof Neophytou for the imposition of neo-liberal, anti-social policies?

When Mr. Nicolas Papadopoulos claims that the government is supposedly appointing AKEL people in institutions, does he not remember the statements he publicly made that he gave lists of DIKO member’s names to the President to be appointed? Whatever Mr. Nicolas Papadopoulos claims, the lists remain lists.

The people know the candidacy of Mr. N. Papadopoulos is nothing but the “new face of the old”.


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