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DISY – Government serve and legislate for the banks

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30 July 2019, Nicosia

All of Cyprus knows that the banks are refusing to restructure loans in order to proceed to foreclosures quicker. Nonetheless, on every opportunity the President vetoes bills approved by the House of Representatives that raise barriers to the impunity of the banks. The Anastasiades – DISY government were insisting yesterday on curbing even the self-evident right of a citizen to assert the suspension of a foreclosure until the court decides whether the entire amount being claimed is legal or not. It is certain – despite yesterday’s result in Parliament – that they will continue their efforts because DISY and the government are acting as the political wing of the banks and big business. They serve and legislate for them.

AKEL calls on the government and DISY to reply to the following questions:

  • If they have any other ideas for protecting borrowers as they have been claiming over the past few days, why haven’t they tabled even one bill that really facilitates vulnerable borrowers and not the banks? Why did they leave out of the ESTIA debt relief scheme those they should have been protecting?
  • How will working people and small and medium-sized businesses be able to pay their instalments so long as the government is pursuing an economic policy that is crushing small and medium-sized businesses and curbing working people’s incomes?
  • If the economy and financial system are hanging on by a thread, then where has the supposed “success story” advertised by Nikos Anastasiades, Averof Neofytou and Haris Georgiades gone?

The truth is that there is indeed a “success story” for some and indeed this is the work of DISY and the Anastasiades government. There is a “success story” for big business strategic bad payers, as regards the “golden passports” industry, for the Presidential entourage that lives in luxury and is advertising it to us.

However, for the majority of the Cypriot people life is difficult and constantly getting harder and harder. Low wages and job insecurity, loan installments and expensive rents are devastating thousands of our fellow citizens. The danger of mass foreclosures and families thrown onto the streets is now on the horizon.


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