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Cyprus’ developmental model is anti-environment

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 5 March 2020, Nicosia

Once again the government hasn’t managed to achieve the goals it itself sets and pronounces daily.

A report released by the European Commission on the Economy clearly states that Cyprus’ development model does not favour the correct implementation of environmental legislation, but also not any effort to combat climate change.

For the umpteenth time, deficiencies in environmental protection have been recorded, and more specifically with regards the implementation of EU directives on the protection of areas of particular importance (NATURE 2000).

Particular reference is made to the lack of a program for a public transport system, given that the use of private cars far exceeds the EU average, but also to the big fissure we have to face as a country in achieving the goal as regards the production of energy from RES.

The government is content with issuing pompous statements and initiatives that supposedly will save our country’s environment. In practice, however, the Anastasiades government implements anti-environmental policies because its concern is how it will serve big interests in a specific way and not how it should protect the environment. The reality is there for all to see, the sole concern of the government is to serve specific interests. Not a word about the protection of the environment, with all that this entails.



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