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Contradictory and delaying policy of the government with regards the management of natural gas


Statement of Stefanos Stefanou, Member of the Political Bureau of AKEL 

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 13th March 2014, Nicosia



The appointment of the President and Council of the Cyprus National Hydrocarbons Company (NHC) once again highlights the contradictory and delaying policy with regards the management of natural gas, which is having negative consequences for the timely and correct implementation of the strategic utilisation of Cyprus’ natural wealth.

Within the framework of this policy, the government has downgraded the structure and restricted the company’s competences, taking away in essence the possibility for the state to be the leading protagonist in the management of the strategic infrastructures, such as the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal and pipelines.

Whilst the government is declaring that it is proceeding with plans it has discharged renowned experts, such as Mr. Ellinas and Mr. Kasinis, as well as dismissed the company’s executive members, hence violating international practice.

As a result of the contradictory policy and slow pace the government is pursuing, we are extremely worried that Cyprus will lose the opportunity for the timely exit from the international markets and to transform our country into a regional energy centre.

In each case we shall judge the President and Administrative Council members of NHC by their actions and deeds, and will support every effort that will serve the well-intentioned interests of Cyprus and its people, who have invested heavily in the positive perspective and utilisation of the hydrocarbons.


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