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Anti-war march by the Cyprus Peace Council

1235143_482878628474858_2083064669_nPress Office of the C.C. of AKEL, 6th September 2013, Nicosia

AKEL calls the Cypriot people to unite its voice with the peoples all over the world against the military attack being prepared by the US, France, Turkey and the Gulf monarchies against Syria and its people.

The attack will drown even more deeply the Syrian people in blood and will lead maybe also to the break up of the country. It will create new dangers for the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East to totally burst into flames.

The defiance of the UN Security Council and contempt of International Law by the US government and its allies must be condemned by all. The new carnage can be prevented if the planet rises up and takes to the streets. The delay in launching the attack has to do with the widespread opposition to the war that exists within the societies of the Western world too.

No one on the planet actually believes that the US will launch the murderous raid because they care about the Syrian people or democracy in the country. If they really had such sensitivities they would have long since turned against their allies such as Turkey and Israel, which are unquestionably responsible for bloodshed and guilty of human rights violations. Besides, democracy in Syria is a matter of its people and not of others. Only a peaceful political solution based on the will of the Syrian people can lead to the termination of the civil war conflict.

The hitherto unsubstantiated accusation concerning the use of chemicals by the Assad government is a smokescreen. Accusations about the use of chemical weapons were made ​​long ago also against anti-regime forces but the US did not exhibit any corresponding sensitivity.

The truth is that the war is predetermined by the US for some years. It is part of the overall plan for the repositioning of the area and promotion of their geopolitical and energy interests.

AKEL calls on the Cypriot people to participate in mass numbers in the anti-war mobilization being organized by the Cyprus Peace Council on Monday, 9th September 2013 (there will be a rallying point at Solomou Square at 18:30 p.m. and subsequently a march to the US embassy) and to demonstrate for peace and solidarity between the peoples.

– We urge the Government of Cyprus to abandon the pro-American fixations, to realise the dangers looming ahead for our own country as well from a military intervention in Syria and to unequivocally stand up against war and in favour of a peaceful solution to the crisis.

– We demand that Cyprus should not offer any facility to the forces that will launch the attack.

– We demand that the British bases should not be used in any way in the intervention.


Notre peuple ne doit pas être entraîné dans une guerre impérialiste, sous le prétexte de gagner des alliés