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AKEL on the UN Secretary General’s Reports



The Reports of the UN Secretary General reflect the dangerous and disappointing point the Cyprus issue is at. The long negotiation impasse is butter on the bread of the occupying power that wants to finalize the division of our country and our people.

The main problem lies in the absence from the Reports of recent years, of any explicit reference to the basis for a solution to the Cyprus problem – which is a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality – this in itself is worrying and carries many risks. Similarly, the absence of reference to the need to resume talks from the point where they were left in 2017, the preservation of all the negotiating acquis and the Guterres Framework does not facilitate the resumption of negotiations in any way. We note, however, that the UN Secretary-General stopped making references to these 3 points after he repeatedly stated that he was not receiving a response from both sides.

The absolute consistency of the Greek Cypriot side on the basis of the solution and the framework of the negotiations is the shield against Turkey’s divisionist claims. At the point where we are, of course, the President should realize that beyond political positions, consistency in one’s position is required more than ever to continue the negotiation process from where it was interrupted with the Guterres Framework and the convergences. In addition, it is also necessary to take initiatives, such as the one that AKEL has repeatedly proposed regarding energy matters.

AKEL is conveying to all directions and all parties involved that it will not consent to any change of the basis for a solution to the Cyprus problem, or to the claims of Erdogan and Tatar for “sovereign equality” and a two-state solution, nor to “new ideas” that introduce confederation and partition through the back door. We will not tire of repeating that the solution to the Cyprus problem on the agreed basis and framework is the only path to the liberation and reunification of our homeland, the only path to a future of peace and security for the whole of Cyprus and for all Cypriots.








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