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AKEL won’t participate in the subcommittee chaired by ELAM


18th June 2021, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

All through the entire procedures for the chairmanships of the Parliamentary Committees, AKEL insisted that consensual solutions must be found within the framework of the Constitution, parliament’s Rules of Procedure and parliamentary practice. We also supported the position that small parties should also assume chairmanships of parliamentary committee. We are satisfied with the final result of the consultation that was made.

Regarding the issue of conceding the chairmanship of a parliamentary committee to ultra-right ELAM party, AKEL expressed from the very beginning and maintained its disagreement until the end. We pointed out to all the practice followed in the European Parliament, where no chairmanship whatsoever of a parliamentary committee is conceded to the ultra-right after an understanding that was made with all other political forces.

We stress again our disagreement with the chairmanship conceded to ELAM, even if it is of a parliamentary subcommittee. AKEL, remaining consistent to the position of principle it has expressed, will not participate in the work of the subcommittee chaired by far-right ELAM.



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