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AKEL welcomes government measures, raises several issues and submits more proposals

Statement by the General Secretary of AKEL A. Kyprianou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 16th March 2020, Nicosia

89773888_3176038205763318_7572198750697816064_oCypriot society is living through an unprecedented situation due to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic which is affecting the entire planet. It is natural that there is concern, but panic must not under any circumstances prevail. If we all faithfully follow the instructions of the experts, if we all comply with what we must do on an individual and collective level, we will get to the end of the road strong and healthy.

The government yesterday announced preventive measures for protection from the pandemic. AKEL welcomes them. We strongly believe that in such times the experts and specialists must be the ones elaborating proposals. The role of the political forces is to take decisions based on scientific proposals.

The Anastasiades government, following social pressure, decided last night to take measures considered satisfactory. We express our satisfaction that many of our proposals have been taken into account in the formulation of the package of measures, proposals which we had submitted on Thursday at a meeting with the Minister of Finance.

However, there are some issues with regards the measures that the Government must study seriously and in-depth. Seeking to contribute in a constructive way towards tackling the numerous problems that are generated, we put forth the following concerns and proposals:

  1. The first thing that arises is whether there are effective implementation mechanisms to put the measures that have been announced into practice. More specifically, in relation to the measures on working people’s sickness benefit claims, the Government must ensure that the state mechanism is ready to handle the processing of thousands of applications that will be submitted.
  2. As far as the VAT reduction measure is concerned, we consider that it will be practically inapplicable and ultimately the only ones who will benefit are businessmen and not the people. To this end, we propose that the price of electricity should be reduced, which can be implemented immediately and will ease every household and business.
  3. Regarding the measure for the creation of mobile teams that will serve elderly and vulnerable persons to get supplies of goods, AKEL cadres and members in all districts are at the disposal of the state mechanism so that we can contribute as volunteers towards the implementation of the measure.
  4. There is an urgent need to make special arrangements for those of our compatriots who were and continue to be abroad for personal reasons and are not students. They do not have accommodation available to stay or extra income. The state must support them.
  5. We bring back the proposals we tabled last week for the imposition of a ceiling on fuel prices, as well as the assumption of immediate measures to stamp out profiteering on essential goods and necessities.
  6. The measures decided by the Government with regards the self-employed are positive, but not enough. Additional measures will have to be approved.
  7. We await with great interest to hear from the Central Bank the taking of substantive measures with regards the impacts on the economy and society. We recall our proposals for the suspension of foreclosures of primary family homes and the small business premises. At the same time, we propose the suspension of payments for as long as the emergency situation continues. We call on all those who have the capability to repay their loans to continue to do so.
  8. Finally, we propose the suspension of the legislation approved recently by the House of Representatives to speed up eviction procedures for those tenants unable to pay the rent.

The period we are going through is difficult. However, if we all make a constructive contribution and in a spirit of solidarity we will make it.

On this occasion, we would like to once again say a big thank you to the healthcare professionals who have overreached and worked themselves to the ground all through this period to treat patients, implement emergency measures, take care of incidents and help the whole of Cypriot society to cope with the pandemic.

Our wishes and hopes lie with science which will again give humanity strength to move forward and overcome all this as if a bad dream.



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