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AKEL sends message to Cuba on the Che Guevara’s assassination anniversary

cheThe General Secretary of the C.C. AKEL Andros Kyprianou has sent today a letter to the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba com. Raul Castro with the occasion of the 50th Anniversary from the assassination of the great revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara. The main part of the letter follows:

“As Cuba marks 50 years since the loss of the great revolutionary, thinker and humanist we join with you in honouring the memory of Ernesto Che Guevara. His figure, values and ideals continue to this day to give courage, support, inspiration and strength to peoples in struggle, to all those fighting for a just world, and of course particularly to young people.

The fact that fifty years on, Che continues to live in the hearts and minds, in the dreams of hopes of the humble and oppressed, that he continues to be present in the anti-imperialist struggles of the peoples in every corner of the world; that he inspires solidarity with those that need it, like the recent case of Cuban doctors reaching out to the people of the Caribbean islands tragically hit by the recent hurricanes, prove the greatness of the Man.

On this occasion we extend to you the friendship and solidarity of AKEL and the progressive people of Cyprus, reiterating our unwavering support in your struggles to achieve the best for the people of Cuba and for a world of justice, peace and cooperation, for Socialism which were the dreams that Fidel, Che, Yourself, your Comrades and the heroic people of Cuba have and continue to struggle for.”


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