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AKEL replies to the President of the Republic’s statements on the appointment of the Governor of the Central Bank

Statement by AKEL Political Bureau member & Head of Economic Policy Charis Polycarpou

9 April 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

It is advisable for the President of the Republic, when questioned, to provide an answer on the substance. The issue regarding the appointment of the Governor of the Central Bank is not about bankers in general. The issue is which bankers.

The President of the Republic has appointed a Governor of the Central Bank who, according to findings and reports, has been a protagonist in the banking malpractices and crimes that led the country into bankruptcy.

Instead of the President refusing to five a straight answer – as he usually does anyway – he should at long last give an answer on the substance:

Based on his past record and practice, with what credibility will the new Governor of the Central Bank Governor carry out his supervisory role?

Is Mr. Christodoulides’ decision another attempt to erase the banking crisis and the erroneous banking practices that led us to financial disaster?





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