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AKEL C.C Press Office, 8th May 2013, Nicosia


The 9th May has been established as the Day of Victory in the Second World War. At the same time, the 9th May is also a remembrance day and a day to honour the millions who died in the anti-fascist war. On the occasion of this Day tommorow, AKEL heralds the anti-fascist victory of the peoples and honours the memory of the dead of the war.


The crushing of Hitler fascism and its allies was made possible thanks to the struggles and sacrifices of millions of people throughout the whole world. Each country of the anti-Hitler coalition made its own valuable contribution to the victory. However, the great truth remains undisputed that the main burden of the war, the largest share of the sacrifices and the most decisive contribution to the smashing of Hitler fascism was made by the Soviet Union and the Soviet people. This truth cannot be deleted nor tarnished, no matter how many deliberate efforts are being made by the descendants of those who tolerated, encouraged and helped Hitler fascism to carry out its inhuman plans, who were hoping to turn it against the workers movement and the Soviet Union.


Cyprus made its own significant contribution to the universal struggle against Hitler fascism. Around 20,000 Cypriots, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots voluntarily enlisted to fight against the Axis powers in the expectation that the war would bring freedom to our homeland as well.  Many of them sacrificed even their very own lives for the freedom of the world.


The greatest moment of the anti-fascist struggle of the Cypriot fighters was the decision of 16th June 1943 by AKEL in which the Party called on its members to rally their forces in an organised way and fight against Hitler fascism. Hundreds of cadres and members of AKEL, headed by 11 of the 17 members of its Central Committee willingly responded to that call. The AKEL cadres and members were the most conscious anti-fascist combatants. After their demobilisation on their return to Cyprus they gave a new impetus to our people’s anti-colonial struggle. This year marks the 70 years since the 16th of June 1943 and AKEL will honour this very important anniversary as it deserves.

On the occasion of the 9th May, AKEL addresses a greeting of honour to the Cypriot veterans of the great anti-fascist war, who through their struggles wrote a glorious page in the history of Cyprus.


Fascism exploited the great economic crisis at the beginning of the early 1930´s in order to promote its inhuman theories and poison consciousnesses with disastrous consequences for humanity. In the conditions of the contemporary crisis of capitalism fascism is once again raising its head. Fascist type organisations are also active in our country too. The democratic forces have a duty to continuously expose fascism and struggle against it, whatever form it may take, so that neither Cyprus, nor the world will again be endangered again from fascism.


The 9th May conveys the powerful message “Never again fascism! Never again war!”




Visit of the President of the Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia in Cyprus