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AKEL meeting with the Department of Environment


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 22nd November 2019, Nicosia

An AKEL delegation headed by the member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee Neoklis Sylikiotis, AKEL MP’s Evanthia Savva and Nikos Kettiros and the Head of the Environment Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL Christina Nikolaou had a meeting yesterday with the Director of the Department of Environment Kostas Hatzipanayiotou.

Among the topics discussed were waste management, the management plans of NATURA 2000 regions with particular emphasis on the issues relating to Akamas and various other issues of concern to the Department.

On its part, the Department of the Environment highlighted the problems it faces with understaffing, as a result of which there are issues with exercising controls and checks. In addition, the delegation of AKEL was briefed about the effort underway to complete the strategy on waste in collaboration with Local Government authorities which represents a major challenge for the Department.

AKEL pointed out its support for the efforts being made by the Department and at the same time it expressed its concern about the improper application of environmental legislation in many areas.

As for the Akamas issue, N. Sylikiotis made it clear that AKEL will oppose any attempt to alter the area. He also conveyed AKEL’s position on the need for the elaboration of comprehensive management plans for the entire Akamas region in order to protect it in its entirety. In conclusion, AKEL expressed its gratitude to the Department and its staff for their in depth briefing.

Environmental issues are a priority for AKEL and it will continue and indeed step up its activities in this direction.




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