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AKEL expresses deep concern about the rise in serious crime

Statement by Aristos Damianou, AKEL Political Bureau member and MP

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 7 May 2018, Nicosia

No matter what the government and ruling forces are claiming, unfortunately reality shows an upsurge in serious crime, particularly as regards crimes committed against persons and property. Citizens are experiencing strong feelings of insecurity.

The Police force is operating under extremely difficult conditions. In recent years, due to the imposition of cuts, salaries have been reduced, shift allowances have been reduced but, above all, the operational capacity and morale of the Police force have been damaged.

Police departments are being dismantled to secure “jobs for the boys” for government supporters. Police departments are being infected with a distressing, but existent minority of renegade and corrupt police officers. And the government is well aware of this.

Consequently, the attempt to shift the issue from its essence and the familiar refusal to acknowledge and assume responsibility is provocative. And the President’s reference to “zero tolerance” would be worthy if it was in his first, and not in the sixth year of his administration.

AKEL is ready to continue to submit its views and proposals on the situation, but also to exercise control over the Minister of Justice and Public Order as regards his actions and omissions. However, those who have been in power for six years must far from empty rhetoric and unfounded pretexts be at long last more effective if the feeling of order and security among citizens is to return.

We regret to note that instead of the relevant Minister and the leadership of the police focusing on preventing the extreme phenomena and crimes that are being committed, they are directing the discussion to insignificant or non-existent issues with the danger of the situation continuing to deteriorate to the detriment of society and citizen’s security.

Once again, AKEL expresses its sympathy and support to both the two injured police officers and their families and we wish them a complete recovery.

Let me inform you that the AKEL-Left-New Forces Parliamentary Group today has tabled the issue of the rise in serious crime to be the subject of an urgent debate in the House of Representatives.


AKEL International Worker’s Day declaration


The government continues with the same communication tactics of issuing pompous statements to hide their failure on crime