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AKEL denounces DISY-DIKO refusal to vote for Parliament’s solidariy Resolution with the Greek People

Statement of Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Press Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 3rd July 2015, Nicosia

antistasi greek people

The governing DISY party and the Democratic Party DIKO chose not to vote for the resolution expressing the solidarity of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus towards the Greek people. This is their inalienable democratic right. At the same time however it also the right of the rest of the political forces to judge the position of these two parties. DISY and DIKO refused to approve a resolution which while not calling on the Greek people to express its support for one or the other choice in the referendum, at the same time points out the devastating humanitarian crisis which the dead-end Memoranda austerity policies has imposed on the Greek people .The resolution mainly calls on the European bodies to act in line with the EU’s declared principles by respecting the democratic choice and popular sovereignty of the Greek people.

It’s understandable that the leadership of the DISY Rally party remains consistent to the line set out by Mr. Averof Neofytou and the Finance Minster Haris Georgiades the day after the Greek people’s election verdict.

That is to say, the line of their complete identification with the positions of Merkel, Schäuble, Deisselblum and the Troika.

The latest but perhaps most decisive expression of their identification with the blackmailing choices of the institutions was their agreement to refuse to grant a short extension of a few days of the Greek program and the subsequent imposition of capital controls on banks, so that the lender’s blackmailing would now be transferred on every Greek separately.

On its part, DIKO, despite the outbursts from to time against the Troika and its machinations and demands on Cyprus and Greece, is in fact following obediently the extreme Memoranda policies of the Anastasiades government and DISY.

One more element is particularly important in relation to the developments in Greece, that is to say the confirmation yesterday by the International Monetary Fund of the non-sustainability of the Greek debt and the proposal for its haircut by 30% with the simultaneous extension of its repayment.

This constitutes a new given fact which confirms that the refusal of the lenders to restructure the debt would have held Greece captive of a dead-end policy that would not leave any room for growth and social cohesion, thus leading the Greek people to further impoverishment.


The debt issue should be on the agenda of the Left’s discussions


Speech of Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, at the mass meeting in solidarity with the Greek people