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AKEL denounces desecration of EOKA fighter’s graves

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 3rd July 2020, Nicosia

AKEL denounces the desecration of the graves of the EOKA fighters, Loukias Papageorgiou-Laoutari and Panagi Zacharia in the cemetery of the community of Avgorou.

A delegation of AKEL consisting of Famagusta MP Skevi Koukouma and the AKEL Regional Secretary of the free areas of the Famagusta District Giannakis Gabriel today visited the cemetery in question, together with the Mayor of Avgorou Panagiotis Michailas. The AKEL delegation expressed its disgust with the action and called for the perpetrators of the desecration to be identified and the damages to be repaired immediately.


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