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AKEL will continue to reveal the truth about the government’s real motives 



Statement of Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30 November 2015, Nicosia

econ ministry moneyWhen you run out of arguments and life itself completely dispels the story of success, namely the government’s “success story” which people are experiencing at first hand as a story of misery, then the leadership and the Government of the DISY party subsequently resort to their favoured tale that AKEL and Christofias are to blame for everything implying that the Left is not entitled to speak.

The unfortunate thing for Finance Minister Haris Georgiades is that almost three years have passed since their government came to power as a result of which people can judge – rooted in developments themselves and actions – who told and continues telling the truth about the causes of the economic catastrophe.

To be precise, the people themselves can judge whether the culprits are the Left, Christofias and their social policy to support low income and vulnerable groups of the population is to blame for the economic catastrophe or if the culprits are the capitalist crisis, the unprecedented dimensions of the banking crisis caused by the “best bankers in the world” and “best Governor of the Central Banker”, as well as their political protectors, who at the time acted as look outs of the robbery committed by the banks.

Three years ago, the Finance Minister and the governing DISY Rally party could claim with ease that AKEL and Christofias are to blame for everything and pledge if they themselves subsequently would come to power they would inherit a scorched earth, bring “Spring” and that things would be progressing from good to better.

Whether the “Government of salvation”, as they were calling it during the presidential election campaign, actually fulfilled its commitments or if since March 2013 we are living in conditions of unprecedented heavy winters and things are going from bad to worse, is for each and every citizen to judge.

But there is one thing the Finance Minister and his associates must be certain of, namely that AKEL will not only restrain itself, but will continue even more strongly to reveal both the truth to the people and about the government’s real motives which it is true remain unchanged as during the previous government. Their intention and goal was and remains to shift the burden of the capitalist and banking crisis on the shoulders of the majority of the people, the underprivileged who have no responsibility whatsoever for economic disaster.

At the same time as they are continuing to socialize the losses of the banks they are creating an environment to maximise the profits for the privileged few, whose interests they serve.


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