AKEL calls for the convening of the National Council
30 November 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia
Following the recent developments in Agios Dometios, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou, today sent a letter to the President of the Republic in which he calls for the National Council to convene as soon as possible.
The letter is reproduced in full:
“The latest worrying developments as they are unfolding in Agios Dometios follow what preceded them in Pyla. It is these developments that underline once again the enormous dangers we face due to the prolonged deadlock surrounding the Cyprus problem. In the most provocative way, the Turkish side insists on exploiting the status quo by attempting to create new partitionist fait accompli on the ground. The repeated violations of the status of the buffer zone and the insecurity that is being caused in particular for the inhabitants of the area prove for the umpteenth time that the status quo is not static, but is changing dangerously and to the detriment of the Republic of Cyprus.
It is obvious that the initiatives you have announced, both in relation to the appointment of a European envoy, a special representative of the UN Secretary General and in relation to the Confidence Building Measures have not yielded any results.
Neither unfortunately, have the “milestones” that you have announced have yielded any results either to open up a perspective to the resumption of a dialogue, which is the only way to counter the creation of new partitionist fait accompli.
Bearing in mind the above realities, we are calling for a meeting of the National Council as soon as possible in order to brief the body of the serious negative developments that are taking place, of the visible and invisible measures that you have announced, and also to exchange views on what needs to be done. It is obvious that the continuation of the prolonged stalemate [on the Cyprus problem] cannot continue and we believe that substantial initiatives must be taken in this direction.
We reiterate once again AKEL’s position for consistency to the agreed basis of a solution and a positive agenda that is not limited to the Euro-Turkish issues, with the aim of resuming and continuing the substantive dialogue from the point where it had remained at Crans Montana, on the basis of the Guterres Framework and with the preservation of the convergences that have been recorded so far”.
