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AKEL at the 15th Congress of the Communist Party of Venezuela

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 20th June 2017, Nicosia

The Head of the International Relations and European Affairs Bureau of AKEL Vera Polycarpou, member of the C.C. of AKEL, departed for Caracas Venezuela yesterday to participate in the 15th Congress of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), which is taking place on 22-25th June. Vera Polycarpou will also participate in the international ideological seminar to be held on 21st June organized for the foreign delegations to the Congress.

The Congress of the CP of Venezuela is convening in the midst of the difficult political conditions for the country, given the provocations against the Bolivarian Revolution – which is supported by the Communist Party of Venezuela – that are intensifying through the ongoing imperialist interventions and prolonged political instability caused by the country’s extreme-right opposition.

The presence of AKEL at the PCV Congress is an expression of solidarity with the struggle of the Communist Party of Venezuela and the Venezuelan people for social progress.


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