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The government may consider expensiveness/price increases are over – but that’s not what the majority of society thinks


10 January 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

Expensiveness/price increases and how they are confronted may have ended as an issue for the government, but not for the majority of households and small and medium enterprises, as the high prices for fuel, electricity and food continue.

Indicative of the income pressure on society is the fact that a large proportion of households – those that actually have – are now turning to their savings to make ends meet.

In contrast to the rest of the EU countries, Cyprus lags far behind in the table on the provision of support measures to households and businesses, at the same time as the state continues to collect increased revenues from citizen’s pockets due to the expensiveness observed and ongoing price increases.

At the very least, what is needed is an extension of the measures to address price increases, together with the adoption of additional substantive measures to improve the income prospects of our vulnerable fellow citizens.






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