Μήνυμα Ενωμένης Χώρας των Βάσκων (Ισπανία) προς το 23ο Συνέδριο του ΑΚΕΛ
Μήνυμα προς το 23ο Συνέδριο απέστειλε η Ενωμένη Χώρα των Βάσκων (Ισπανία):
«Dear Comrades, Dear Members of the Akel’s Central Committee:
On behalf of the men and women of EH Bildu, the progressive pro-independence Coalition in
the Basque Country, I want to wish you a succesful and fruitful 23rd Congress.
We hope that during these days your delegates will be able to formulate the most appropiate
directions and positions for the deep radical progressive changes that Cyprus needs and elect
the best comrades for your Central Committee and Control Commission to guide you on the
struggle for freedom, democracy and peace.
Lets share our collective wisdom and keep up on the struggle!
All the best,
Euskal Herria, 25th June 2021
Gorka Elejabarrieta
Director of International Relations and Policy»