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Honoring those who attacked the Presidential Palace during the coup as heroes is a provocation for the whole of the Cypriot people


15 July 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

Honoring the soldiers who were killed attacking the Presidential Palace during the coup of 15 July 1974 as heroes is the annual provocation of the Right and far right to the entire Cypriot people. Today’s laying of laurel wreaths by DISY and far-right ELAM – which is not related to a religious memorial for the dead, which no one disagrees with – effectively cancels out any verbal condemnation of the coup by them. Their insistence on this act is part of their longstanding attempt to turn history upside down and relive themselves of any responsibility for the betrayal committed.

The persistence and insistence on equating the heroes of the Democratic Resistance with those killed in the attack on the Presidential Palace represents a rape of reason, historical memory and democracy. It is an insult to the memory and sacrifice of the heroes of the Resistance and especially to those who were murdered by the coupists precisely because they refused to carry out the order of the coup and the assassination of Makarios.

AKEL notes the fact that the Christodoulides government listened to our strong appeals and did not repeat its action last year of laying a laurel wreath to the soldiers who attacked the Presidential Palace.

We await to see that it will also proceed with the implementation of everything included in the Resolution 2022 approved by the House of Representatives in relation to the Democratic Resistance.




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