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AKEL express its concern about the Guterres Report

Statements by AKEL Political Bureau member G.Loukaides

  • It appears that the UNSG envoy won’t hand over her mandate

8 July 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

In anticipation of the submission of the Report prepared by the UN Secretary General’s personal envoy on Cyprus María Angela Holguín Cuéllar to the UN Secretary General himself, it appears in her letter that she is not handing in her mandate and that she is continuing her mission, AKEL Parliamentary Representative Giorgos Loukaides stated on ‘Astra’ radio, adding that this is seen as a positive development, as it was something the Greek Cypriot side was seeking.

Also recorded, he said, is the encouragement made to the leaders of the two communities to demonstrate a will and a determination for real progress to be registered on the Cyprus problem.

Commenting on Ms. Holguín’s reference to continue considering alternatives for a viable solution, G.Loukaides assessed that she was probably referring to the procedure rather than the substance of the Cyprus problem and hoped, he said, that she was not talking about changing the procedure of the basis for a solution to the Cyprus problem. Rather, he explained, she is referring to the nationalisms that have had so many terrible consequences for our country.

Regarding Antonio Guterres’ Report to the UN Security Council, G.Loukaides expressed great concern and characterised as dangerous the references made to the buffer zone, about the fact that the two sides have been fully equated and that more violations by the Greek Cypriot side and the militarization of the buffer zone are recorded.

We must not forget, he said, that it is our side that wants the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) to remain, unlike the Turkish Cypriot side. We cannot understand, G.Loukaides said, why the current Government did not remove the barbed wire when it had been announced that it would do so, with the result that Mr. Stewart’s referred to it in his Report.


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Intervention by Vera Polycarpou, Head of International Relations and European Policy of AKEL and member of the Central Committee of the Party