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AKEL is the force that has a proposal for the Cyprus problem

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas

31 May 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The former President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, in his statements on the Cyprus problem and the break down at Crans Montana, apportions the responsibility – in his own words – on the “south”. Namely, on Nicos Anastasiades. He even argues that the main problem wasn’t the Turkish Cypriot leadership – not even Erdogan.

This is something that must concern DISY, which advertises its role in the big European People’s Party (EPP) family. At the same time, the former President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, who comes from the EPP, completely exposes DISY. Who are they convincing if they can’t even convince their own people?

But what concerns the Cypriot people, and especially the people who are concerned about the Cyprus situation, is something else. It is the big picture, which is dramatic and dangerous. For example, while some people have left this heavy legacy of the impression of the Greek Cypriot side’s unreliability that is prevalent internationally and across Europe, new machinations of upgrading the pseudo-state are being developed, such as the recent action of 50 British MP’s.

In our assessment, everything converges on one urgent issue: the need for the Republic of Cyprus and the Greek Cypriot side to take decisive initiatives to stop the disastrous course of events. Everyone can make statements and analyses about the Cyprus problem, but AKEL is the force that has put forth a proposal: a specific and realistic proposal based on principles. To annul in practice the demand of the Erdogan-Tatar duo for a two state solution. With a convincing readiness for a resumption of the talks on the basis of the Guterres Framework and the negotiating body of work. With proposals in the field of energy, which can, under certain preconditions, create a dynamic for a solution of the Cyprus problem.

We will continue to reiterate to the President of the Republic and to the other political forces our call to discuss and build on AKEL’s proposal.




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