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The Greek Cypriot side should take the initiative with a proposal that can break the deadlock on the Cyprus problem


Statement by the Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL

18 May 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL convened yesterday and discussed at length the situation surrounding the Cyprus problem following the contacts of the UN Secretary General’s envoy on Cyprus. The assessment of the Political Bureau of AKEL is that both the prolongation of the current dangerous stalemate and the scenario of a new breakdown in a new effort will result in negative – if not devastating – developments for the Cyprus problem.

It is an undeniable fact that so long as the occupying power Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership insist on the demand for “sovereign equality” and a two state solution, there can be no progress registered on the Cyprus problem. At the same time, AKEL stresses that this fact cannot lead the Greek Cypriot to any complacency or abandoning efforts because the consequences of the prolonged deadlock noted are being paid and will continue to be paid by the whole of Cyprus and all the Cypriot people, both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

The Greek Cypriot side must, together with the self-evident rejection of the demands for “sovereign equality” etc., must demonstrate its total commitment to the framework of the Resolutions of the UN for a solution of a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality and, at the same time, demonstrate its convincing commitment for a resumption of the talks from the point where they were interrupted in 2017 at Crans Montana, on the basis of all six points of the Guterres Framework and the entire negotiating acquis [body of work agreed] with no footnotes and mincing of words.

Along with these, however, AKEL stresses that the Greek Cypriot side must submit a proposal on energy issues – in the spirit of a positive agenda – that should make it clear that the solution of the Cyprus problem will be beneficial for both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, but also for all involved parties. AKEL has tabled a proposal on energy issues that is within the framework of the “red lines” of the Republic of Cyprus, which can act as a catalyst towards this end. We once again call on the President of the Republic to make use of this proposal.

AKEL calls on everyone to realise that the Cyprus problem and Cyprus are at a crucial crossroad. We must reverse the current course towards the permanent partition of our country, which will mean a new cycle of instability and insecurity on the island. We need to take the initiative, to move forward with proposals and push things towards a solution and reunification.

We should rebuild bridges of understanding between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots for a solution to the Cyprus problem within the agreed framework, for an independent, free and united homeland. Only the liberation and reunification of Cyprus can guarantee days of lasting peace and security for all our people.



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