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The government should leave the empty promises behind and at long last deal with society’s day-to-day problems


Statement by Vakis Charalambous, Member of the C.C. of AKEL

3 October 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

What the majority of society is already experiencing today was confirmed yesterday by the figures released by the Statistical Office.

Real wages have fallen in the face of the constant increases in the cost of living, resulting in people’s living standards falling.

To put an end to the continuous decline in the purchasing power of wages, substantive measures need to be taken in two directions. To confront the issue of price inflation on the one hand and to increase disposable income on the other.

The government of Nikos Christodoulides is called upon to leave the empty promises behind and deal at long last in a practical way with the daily problems society is facing and addressing the problem of price increases.

The government must bring back the measures that provided support it wrongly abolished and take additional measures to address the increases in fuel, electricity, food, housing and borrowing costs.



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