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Cyprus’ full membership of the European Organization for Nuclear Research is essential


Letter from the Parliamentary Representative of AKEL to the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy

8 September 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The Parliamentary Representative of AKEL, Giorgos Loukaides, today sent a letter to the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy regarding Cyprus’ participation in the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

The letter follows in full:

“The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is the biggest research centre in the world, in terms of applied research activity in the field of particle physics and its wider operation of the Universe.

Today, a large number of countries in Europe and the South Eastern Mediterranean participate in the Organisation as full or associate members, while Japan and the USA participate with an observer status.

Cyprus has been an associate member of the Organisation since April 2016 and is in the preliminary stage of accession as a full member. Η Cyprus’ participation in such a world-class scientific organisation, brings valuable benefits to the academic and research community of our country, while at the same time it enhances our role in the international scientific sector.

However, as I have been informed, there is a delay in the completion of the process of our country’s application for full membership, whose procedure expires in the very near future. It should be noted that, should the relevant timetable not be met, it is likely that Cyprus will also lose its current membership, with the result that we will be invited to reapply for membership of the Organisation. Furthermore, again according to the information I have received, in the event that Turkey, which joined CERN at around the same time as Cyprus and also participates as an associate member, becomes a full member before our country, it will be able to exercise a veto on Cyprus’ full membership.

By the present letter I wish to be informed of the intentions of the Deputy Ministry regarding Cyprus’ participation in CERN, the stage reached in our country’s application procedure to become a full member, and the deadline for the procedure”.



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