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AKEL on World Refugee Day


19 June 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

June 20th has been designated by the UN as World Refugee Day.

We Cypriots are a people who have lived and continue to live the experience of being a refugee as a result of the twin crimes committed in 1974. Thousands of Cypriots were forced to emigrate. Thousands of Cypriot refugees and migrants are now living abroad. On the occasion of the 20 June, AKEL extends a warm greeting to the refugees of Cyprus who have been struggling for years for the liberation and reunification of our homeland, to return to their homes, but also to all refugees throughout the world.

Cyprus is not only a country of origin but also a country of reception of refugees. Like every European state, it has the obligation to provide humane conditions for refugees, applying International Law and EU conventions. The powerful European states must assume their obligations accordingly when it comes to migration and refugees. Unfortunately, instead of solidarity being self-evident, the major European states have chosen to pursue the unacceptable approach of “price tagging”, while in addition also consenting to dead-end policies in the handling of the migration issue.

AKEL’s central position has been and remains that there is an urgent need for both solidarity to be expressed with those in need of protection and European solidarity with the states of the Mediterranean South, including Cyprus, which are bearing a disproportionately large share of the responsibility for hosting refugees.

We will continue to struggle for:

  • a modern and effective asylum system based on international law, international conventions and European obligations that bind our state with regards asylum, human rights and solidarity with those in danger.
  • Replacement of the Dublin Regulation with a permanent and binding mechanism for the distribution of refugees across all EU member states according to their capacities and population.
  • the creation by the EU of legal and safe routes for refugees.
  • Immediate end to the practice of pushbacks.
  • Ensure dignified places for refugees, addressing their traumatic experiences in a humane way.
  • Eliminate the rings/gangs exploiting the asylum system which promote human trafficking.




Statement by the General Secretary of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou after the meeting with the Minister of Health


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