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AKEL on the new government formation


28 February 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

It is our wish and hope that the work of the new Ministerial Cabinet and the entire government will be for the benefit of our people and country. The new government and its members will be judged by the content of the policies they will promote and the style and ethos of their governance. AKEL will carry out its duty as a responsible and militant opposition, with the submission of proposals, asserting demands and by exerting criticism.

As far as the choice of individuals is concerned, we cannot but point out that Nikos Christodoulides set the bar high and ultimately failed the test. He did not even come close to the 50-50 male-female ratio in the Cabinet and the wider government formation. He did not avoid appointing former Ministers as he had pledged to do.

We hope this is not the first example of a disconnection between proclamations and actions that was a characteristic of the previous government in which N.Christodoulides himself participated in.


Interview with Aristos Damianou, member of the Political Bureau and Secretariat of AKEL


Interview with the General Secretary of the C.C. AKEL