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AKEL on the asphalt factories issue: The Supreme Court’s decision vindicates resident’s struggles – The government must stop its machinations


Statement by the Environment Affairs Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL

11 February 2022, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

Yesterday’s decision of the Supreme Court on the operation of the asphalt factories vindicates the struggle waged by the residents of the Dali, Geri and Tseri areas.

The DISY Government must now abandon its machinations and comply with the recommendations of the study carried out by an independent group of academics, as the competent Minister had pledged to do before Parliament. The study clearly indicates that the factories cannot be relocated to the Mitsero area and that other solutions must be sought.

As to why after the preparation of this study the Department of the Environment gave a positive opinion on the relocation and operation of the plant in the Mitseros area is something that the Environment Minister Mr.Kadis must provide an immediate answer.

It is therefore incumbent upon the relevant Ministry and Government to stop transferring problems from one place to another without daring to touch them so as not to offend any powerful interests.

We once again call on the Government to do what it has pledged to do.  Namely, not to transfer the problem to the residents of Mitserou and the wider area of Vasilikou.

What is needed is the elaboration of a comprehensive town and spatial planning, so that our country’s long-standing problems can be solved, for the protection of the environment and public health.

The Anastasiades-DISY Government must at long last assume its responsibilities towards this end.


Statements by the General Secretary of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou, after the meeting with the Executive Bureau of the Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO)


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