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AKEL GS: “We don’t need Confidence Building Measures right now, but ideas for the immediate resumption of negotiations”


11th January 2021, ‘Astra’ radio station

“We don’t need Confidence Building Measures right now, but ideas for an immediate resumption of negotiations and the prospect of reaching an agreement”, the General Secretary of AKEL A.Kyprianou stressed.

Speaking on the Morning Edition of ‘Astra’ radio station, Andros Kyprianou pointed out that there are moves that can be included in the framework of the Greek Cypriot side’s positions and can act as an incentive for the resumption of the dialogue.

He expressed the view that an informal five-party conference will convene, but noted that it is clear that the Secretary General of the UN will await to see what situation will evolve from this conference.

A.Kyprianou underlined that if the situation does not change and the Turkish side insists on a two-state solution and the Greek Cypriot side will act as it does, then Secretary General Antonio Guterres will hesitate to proceed (to a resumption of negotiations) and will apportion responsibilities on both sides.

The General Secretary of AKEL also stressed that the Turkish side’s argument is that the Greek Cypriot side does not accept political equality, is not ready to enter into substantive negotiations and share the revenues from natural gas proportionally. He added that the President’s proposals have nothing whatsoever to do with these proposals.

The General Secretary of AKEL characteristically stated that the President disregarded a large section of the population because President Anastasiades says one thing and the people understand another. He also said that the people embrace AKEL’s proposal on the Cyprus problem.

“If there is evidence, the Attorney General must intervene”

AKEL, via Andros Kyprianou, calls on the President of the Republic to respond to the serious allegations made in the article of journalist Andreas Paraschos that President Anastasiades had realized that the “golden passports” scheme was an extremely profitable industry, which the President reportedly confessed during a merry evening in Athens, earned his Law firm 300 million Euros annually, which he subsequently took to the Seychelles by private flights.

Speaking in the morning edition of ‘Astra’, the General Secretary of AKEL stressed that his Party will exert pressure on the government ruling forces to provide answers on the matter. He said that if there is evidence that such a thing did happen, the Attorney General must intervene.

A.Kyprianou stressed that for AKEL to call for the President’s resignation would lose the essence of the issues that will prove if the government has the ability to handle these issues.


Statement by Christos Christofides, AKEL Political Bureau member, on the draft report of the UN Secretary General on the Cyprus problem


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