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If Mr. Anastasiades considers that Archbishop Chrysostomos, his former associates, government officials and journalists are all lying or have gone insane, he should say so boldly

AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou replies to the Government Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 28th December 2020, Nicosia

No matter how many letters Mr. Anastasiades sends, the fact remains that he himself confided to dozens of people both inside and outside Cyprus his theory that the best solution to the Cyprus problem is the solution of two states, namely the partition of our island and the handing over of half of our homeland to Turkey.

It is no coincidence that Mr. Anastasiades’ credibility is negligible. It is because he was publicly committing himself to the agreed framework for a solution whilst in private he outlined to his interlocutors his idea of ​​partition.

In any case, if Mr. Anastasiades considers that Archbishop Chrysostomos, his former associates, government officials and journalists of the Greek Cypriot media are all lying or have gone insane, he should say so boldly.


If Anastasiades continues to act with regressions and contradictions, history will judge him mercilessly and put him down as the leader of partition.


Anastasiades is the first and only President who dared not only to discuss but also propose our country’s partition