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The government prohibiting the Audit Office from having access to the necessary files is unacceptable and only raises questions and suspicions

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 27th October 2020, Nicosia

The attacks by independent officials on other independent officials and the clash between institutions are intensifying the depreciation felt by citizens. The role of each independent state official is set out by the Constitution to which everyone should respect.

The Auditor General has the authority and duty to exercise scrutiny, within the framework of defined limits set out by the Constitution, where public money is concerned and the possibility of the state losing revenues. The Auditor General must be allowed to complete the investigation he has begun within the framework of his competences.

The government prohibiting the Audit Office from having access to the necessary files (on the golden passports scandal) is unacceptable and only raises questions and suspicions. What is the government really afraid of and why doesn’t it allow the Audit Office to complete its investigation?

All the institutions – especially the Anastasiades-DISY government that set up the ‘golden passports’ industry – should know that Cypriot society’s universal demand is that the abscess of corruption must be broken and cleaned. Everything and everyone involved in the passports sale industry should be investigated. Those responsible must be held to account.



If the government has nothing to hide, it should let the Auditor General exercise scrutiny


AKEL on the anniversary of 28th October 1940