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AKEL: An organized effort to dissolve Parliament was attempted

Statements by AKEL Parliamentary Representative G. Loucaides

24th October 2020, ‘Astra’ radio station

There was an organized attempt to dissolve Parliament because this would be convenient for the ruling DISY party, stated the Parliamentary Representative of AKEL Giorgos Loucaides.

The AKEL MP also criticized the Ecologists and the Independent MP Anna Theologou who with the submission of this proposal tried to make a big gift to the government.

Speaking to ‘Astra’ radio station, Giorgos Loucaides said that any self-dissolution of the Parliament would relieve the government of its irrevocable responsibilities regarding the ‘golden’ passports scandal. He stressed that those shown in the video resigned and wondered when those who were issuing the passports would resign.

Loucaides added that the naturalization program didn’t just have loopholes in it, but also “openings”, since that is how they designed the program and stretched it out He noted that the program was prone to attracting international fraudsters and criminals, describing it as a luxury real estate consumer program.

Furthermore, he stressed that there must be a catharsis and the government must permit the Auditor General to continue the audit he is entitled to carry out.

The AKEL Parliamentary Representative said that AKEL didnt know about Giovanni’s actions or who he was receiving in his house, pointing out that no responsibility whatsoever can be attributed to the party since for years denounces phenomena of corruption in relation to the government’s golden passports scheme. He added that when the party has in its hands accusations and evidence it demonstrates zero tolerance and this is what AKEL did as soon as it saw the video.


This is a government of limited responsibility


The government must take on its responsibilities