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The absence of negotiations is being exploited by Turkey to create fait accompli

Statement of the Central Committee of AKEL

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 17th October 2020, Nicosia

The Central Committee of AKEL discussed today the situation surrounding the Cyprus problem and the critical phase in which it is at.

With the completion of the voting process for the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot community tomorrow, the UN Secretary General has already stated that he will undertake a new effort to revive the process on the Cyprus problem. The intentions of the UN Secretary General on how to proceed in order to break the protracted deadlock are well known and quite clear. The procedure will begin regardless of the outcome of the vote in the occupied territories. For a prospect to have a successful outcome, both leaders must be committed to a solution within the agreed framework of the Secretary General of the UN and work in this direction in practice.

The stalemate and the absence of negotiations are being exploited by Turkey to create new illegal and negative fait accompli in both the Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone, as well as in Famagusta with the opening of the coastal front in the fenced off area. It is obvious that the status quo in Cyprus is not sustainable, as the United Nations point out. On the contrary, it is a slippery slope towards final partition.

The prospect of the resumption of the negotiations and the prospect of reaching a solution is being undermined on a daily basis by Turkey’s illegal and provocative actions. Turkey’s behavior should not discourage, but on the contrary should strengthen our determination to resolve the Cyprus issue. Without a solution, the dangers for our place and our people will not only continue, but will be perpetuated and increased. AKEL reiterates that only a solution of the Cyprus problem within the agreed framework can ensure the future of our country, security and peace.

In the face of these given situations, AKEL stresses that it is imperative for the Greek Cypriot side to constantly and with consistency convey the message that it is ready for a resumption of the talks from the point where they had remained at Crans Montana and on the basis of the agreed framework without regressions and contradictions, without terms and preconditions, which from time to time were being set by the President of the Republic, as a result of which the credibility of the Greek Cypriot side was damaged.

Furthermore, it is also imperative that the government take initiatives to prepare society about the content of the sought solution and the benefits that will result from the reunification of our country and people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

The Central Committee of AKEL reaffirmed the Party’s determination to continue contributing to the resumption of negotiations for a solution to the Cyprus problem on the basis of bi-communal, bi-zonal federation with political equality, as defined in the relevant resolutions of the United Nations.

The C.C. of AKEL also reaffirmed the determination of AKEL to continue its initiatives and activities to inform and mobilize our people about the content of the sought solution.


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