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‘Golden Dawn’: A criminal organization with a criminal ideology

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 7th October 2020, Nicosia

Today’s ruling by the Greek courts finding the “Golden Dawn” party and its leading officials guilty of running a criminal organisation is a historic day for democracy and justice not only in Greece, but throughout the world. The position of Nazism and the Nazis belong behind bars and not on parliamentary benches.

The court ruling is at the same time a comfort for the family of the murdered Pavlos Fyssas and all those who faced fascist attacks by the “Golden Dawn” attack battalions. History, but also the course of “Golden Dawn” itself, has proved that fascism may at first attack immigrants, communists, the worker’s movement, but – sooner or later – it subsequently attacks every democratic voice. At the same time, today’s court ruling on the “Golden Dawn” party, which without any shame was raising the flag with the junta’s symbol, represents a partial vindication for the thousands of victims of fascism in Greece’s modern history which has suffered and for Cyprus too which has been drowned in blood as a result of the actions and treason committed by the fascist extreme-right.

AKEL recalls that the Cyprus House of Representatives with the Resolution it approved in November 2017 on the rise of the extreme-right called on the “authorities to monitor the progress of the “Golden Dawn” trial in Greece and to take appropriate action in due course, so that they can verify whether “Golden Dawn” criminal offenses are committed in Cyprus too.” We expect the government and competent authorities to act on the basis of what the relevant Resolution demands.

The condemnation of the “Golden Dawn” is not the end, but a milestone in the struggle so that no people in the world will ever see again the monster that gives birth to Holocausts, crematoria, concentration camps and juntas. Fascism is not “another point of view in democracy”, no matter how many votes it may usurp. Fascism is what is most rotten the system gives birth to, the most rotten that the darkest moments of human history leave behind. It is not just their actions and organization that are criminal. Their ideology, the inhuman ideological concepts of racism and xenophobia are criminal. Fascism is a crime.


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