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AKEL declaration for the 46th anniversary of the fascist coup

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14th July 2020, Nicosia


July 15, 1974 marks the day of the greatest betrayal ever committed against Cyprus and its people. The coup d’état of the Greek junta and EOKA B was the climax of many years of terror and propaganda that targeted the Republic of Cyprus, President Makarios and AKEL. The ultimate goal was to pave the way for Turkey to invade and promote the partition of Cyprus as decided by NATO.

The coup d’état and invasion were co-organized by NATO, Turkey, the Greek junta and EOKA B. The coupists were consciously and willingly involved in this plan. They were neither misled, nor deceived. After all, even when the Turkish army passed through the back door opened by the Greek junta they impeded by every means possible the strengthening of the Cypriot forces to fight against Turkey’s invading army. The coupists of EOKA B hid in the rear and the Greek junta officers in Cyprus abandoned their units, leaving the brave lads of our people to wage an unequal and betrayed battle against the invaders. History has written that the greatest betrayal was committed by the “national-minded” forces.

The ruling DISY party, the Right and the ultra-right of the country are fooling themselves if they believe that they will be able to turn history upside down, wash away and exonerate the fascism of Grivas. No matter how many wreaths they may lay, memorials they attend and statues they erect, no matter how much they are seeking to embellish and glorify the Americans and NATO, presenting them today too as “powerful allies” and “guarantors of our security”.

Our people know who massacred and uprooted them from their land as refugees.

Our people know who the traitors are and who the heroes of our homeland are, even if this is not broadcasted by the state channel, even if this is silenced by the government ruling forces.

AKEL pays tribute to the fighters of the Resistance, to the democratic forces of our people who resisted the fascism of EOKA B. It honors the resistance fighters who defended Democracy and the Republic of Cyprus with arms at the Presidential Palace, the Archdiocese, the ‘Seven Steps’ intersection in Limassol, the General Gymnasium of Limassol, at Kolossi, the working class neighborhood of Kaimakli in Nicosia, the city of Paphos and the working class neighborhood of Ayi Yianni in Larnaca. It honors all those who confronted the fascist coupists in prisons, suffering interrogation and torture.

Today, in the face of the escalation of Turkey’s aggressive actions against the Republic of Cyprus, AKEL conveys a message of unity of the whole people on the basis of the goal for the freedom and reunification of our country, for a solution of the Cyprus problem based on the agreed framework.

A message of resistance to nationalist ideological concepts that lead to disaster and betrayal.

A message of struggle for an independent, free and united Cyprus, a bridge of peace of the peoples of the region, and not an aggressive launching pad for foreign powers.

On the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the coup d’état and invasion, AKEL is organising a big event in memory and honor on Friday, July 17, 2020, at 8:00 p.m. at the Stadium of Adonis in the Municipality of Dali, with the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL Andros Kyprianou as the keynote speaker.


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