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RIK must explain the fact it didn’t report the memorial services of the fallen fighters of the Resistance

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 13th July 2020, Nicosia

The Board and the state-owned RIK television and radio station are called upon to give explanations as to their decision not to report anything in the Corporation’s news last night about the annual memorial services for the fallen resistance fighters, the people who sacrificed their lives for the Republic and Democracy in the struggle against EOKA B fascism. By what journalistic criteria did RIK decide that the Resistance to the coup d’état is not worth reporting? If the criteria and motives are political, again they have to give an explanation because RIK is funded by citizens to inform and not to disregard our country’s history and our people’s struggles. Furthermore, the Board of RIK must not forget that the Corporation was one of the first targets to be attacked in the coup d’état.

AKEL calls on RIK to apologize to the people.

For yet another year, the speeches given by the Anastasiades-DISY government Minsters at the memorial services in honor of the heroes of the Resistance to fascism and the coup d’état have again been shocking. They have remained consistent to their familiar tactic of seeking to convince people that the coup d’état was executed without coupists. Just a small reference to the Greek junta and, as always, no reference whatsoever was made to EOKA B.

Evidently the wrath of the catastrophe is still haunting the ruling government party.

AKEL will never stop denouncing the campaign underway to falsify history being waged by the Right and the ultra-right for decades. We will never stop reminding the older generations and teaching the younger ones who is to blame for the destruction of Cyprus that was caused by the twin crime of the treacherous coup d’état and the barbaric invasion by the Turkish army.





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